Conference Publications

The proceedings of GeoMEast2017 & GeoMEast2018 & GeoMEast2019 could be accessed via:


All accepted papers will be published in edited books by Springer-DE in "Sustainable Civil Infrastructures" book Series, which will be submitted for indexation in EI, WoS and Scopus []


Please follow the instructions as below:

  1. Please register to use the Editorial Manager [ clicking on the word "Register" in the navigation bar at the top of the page and enter the requested information. 
  2. Login into the system as Author using your details. 
  3. Click submit a new manuscript and select abstract. 
  4. Choose GeoMEast. 
  5. Type or copy/paste your Abstract into a textbox. 
  6. Use the “Section/Category” list to indicate to which particular section/category your Abstract belongs. 
  7. Upload the abstract in a PDF or WORD version. 
  8. Click build the PDF.
  9. Approve the submission. Without this stage, your abstract will NOT be submitted successfully. 


The abstract should be direct, obvious and discussing the paper full content/idea. It has to be shortened as much as possible. Abstracts and full papers must be submitted online through the Editorial Manager:

 Selected papers will be considered for publication as special issues in some Prestigious Journals, including the Innovative Infrastructure Solutions Journal (Springer) subjected to a full peer review process as set forth by their Editors.